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escucha is a traveling time capsule of sound. It moves through many hands-to hear of many stories while traversing the world. The project gives voice to all, while encouraging less speaking and more listening.
Sound is independent of our consciousness. We can turn off the lights and close our eyes, but our ears are always aware. Perhaps because of this, we learn to tune out the rich sonic soundscape given to us by the natural world, and in turn we forget to listen. With the simple act of listening, we learn new ways of empathizing with our environment, our neighbor, and even ourselves.
Ep. 05: Again and Again. On the same path.
This episode travels to North Carolina, Big Sur, Colombia, Finland and Joshua Tree. Music By Glen Jennings.

May 18, 2020
April 5, 2020
March 26, 2020
March 26, 2020
This podcast is available on Spotify, Itunes, anchor, and most other podcast places!